With the increased sunshine of April, the winter doldrums are finally being shaken off. To those of us who were hibernating, it is time to get back into shape. The Fickle Fitness Enthusiast recommends using the Nike+Running app to get that spring back into your step.

Armed with the proper gear, my Nike Air Max shoes, running socks, cell phone arm band, iPone 5, and headphones, I used the Nike app twice this week to test my fitness. 

After two days of sore ankles, I can tell you that the app does indeed help motivate you into pushing yourself into greater fitness. 

I completed two 3 mile runs. Well, to be honest, they were a combination of runs, jogging, walking, and sprints. But I would not stop until my app reported that I had completed at least three miles. 

After the runs, the app displayed my route, the number of calories burned, pacing, etc. This information will be used to encourage me to do better next time. For those who wish, you can post your achievements directly on Facebook through the app. 

To those who want to increase their fitness, this app is a free and useful tool to do so. Although it is called Running, you can use the app to track your walks. As you build up endurance, you can keep pushing yourself. 

As always, begin any exercise program carefully. You may want to consult a doctor if you have been inactive for a prolonged period of time before beginning any vigorous exercise. 

Keep on moving fellow fickle fitness enthusiasts!