A Meat head no more…

A juicy hamburger. The sizzle of a rib-eye steak on the grill. Perfectly grilled chicken breast pepping up my salad. Scrumptious pork loin with leeks. Oh, how I have forgotten you…

I am a voracious meat eater, but for one week, I have not eaten any of it. I have turned my back on meat.


Last Sunday, I made the mistake (or good fortune) of watching a documentary on food production. It exposed me to something I have been denying for a long time: animals made for consumption in the United States go through a horrific process. It gave me pause, disturbed me, and made me question my food choices.

But surprisingly to me, as the week went by, and I consumed a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and seeds, something unexpected happened. I began to enjoy my foods and I felt lighter and more energetic!

A whole-wheat tortilla, with a tablespoon of peanut butter, flaxseeds, and a whole banana for breakfast. For lunch, I would have some version of vegetable stir fry (made with delicious coconut oil) mixed with quinoa. An apple would be my dessert. Some thick Greek yogurt with delightfully crunchy sunflower seeds was my main snack. Some whole-wheat pasta with a fresh vegetable sauce and my dinner was complete.

If I got hungry in the evening, I would partake in carrots, or make a delicious smoothie of blueberries, oranges, and coconut milk.

On some nights, this aspiring anti meat eater, cheated and had some cereal with coconut milk and a handful of pistachios. Still no meat!

Generally, I felt full, content, and even better, I have dropped at least three pounds in less than a week!

Whether this is a long-term lifestyle choice or a short lived experiment, time will tell. But if the pounds keep peeling off I will try to make it a major part of my life.

Combined with my daily obsession of accumulating as many steps as I can, I think I’m on the right track.

With all the diet crazes, simple can be best. After all, it worked for centuries.

Is a more natural based diet for you?  

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