
I was a victim of a fraud.

In February 2012, on a whim, my best friends and I took a trip out to North Shore Animal League on Long Island to look at the wonderful pups.

I left with a black and tan coonhound that I love very much. Even though she became a behemoth!

A year or so ago, when I held the two month old puppy, the volunteer at the shelter assured me that she would grow only 20-30 lbs. Who was I to doubt it?

Wanting to believe him and quickly falling for that adorable puppy, I adopted her.

Bringing her home and showing my friends, those more experienced with dogs broke the bad news to me: that puppy was going to grow into one big girl.

I refused to accept it, even as the evidence started to pile up against my hope. Perhaps her unusually large paws would not be grown into?

Well, fast forward to today and Buffy is a healthy 70 lb dog!

The little pup has grown into a beast, but is gentle as can be. Despite a few mishaps during her growing year (like eating a hole in my wall and unleashing diarrhea in her bed), we have a happy dog/owner relationship.

I’ve never been so happy to be a victim of such a fraud. But let’s just say I am a bit more skeptical of cute small things…

The three reasons why you need to get a Fitbit One

Many recent articles have demonstrated that the less you move, the more you are likely to die sooner. Well, devices that monitor your movement can be great motivators to get your butt moving.

Wearable technology is still in its infant stage but I am excited to see how it evolves. I have used the Fitbit One for over a year. This little device is so much more than a high-powered pedometer.

Here’s why you need to get one:

1.     Motivating feedback.

I love the fact that I look at my daily step count and if I’m not satisfied with the total, I get walking. Around my apartment, taking the dog out, going for a jog, etc. I want to accumulate more. Want to measure the quality of your sleep? Wear the sleeve and wake up to some info. I have a 96% sleep efficiency! That’s one area that doesn’t need much improvement!

2.     Fitbit’s website.

All the data accumulated by the Fitbit is sent to a website. When you are in range of the USB connected receiver, the little wonder transmits your daily activity to your Fitbit account. The website then aggregates this information into charts and activity scores. It makes the information so much more relevant and keeps you focused on moving.     

3.     Social connectivity.

Join groups of other Fitbit users and see what their daily activity is. Connect to fellow Fitbit enthusiasts and compete in a daily race to accumulate more steps. Competition breeds excitement and even more activity.

Devices are getting better at measuring data and analyzing it. The possibilities in health and healthcare are endless. I can see insurance companies offering these products to encourage better habits. Use a Fitbit and receive a 20% healthcare discount. Now that’s real motivation. Get on it insurance companies…

Keep on moving. 

‘Ain’t nobody got time for dat.’

Or so echoed Sweet Brown, an American who was interviewed as a result of her building complex being set ablaze. The YouTube sensation has garnered much attention. Mention the phrase and most Internet saavy Americans know exactly where it is from. We laugh at the informality of it all.

Or do we secretly desire a world in which people present themselves in a more proper manner?

Enter the British series Downton Abbey. The international hit has struck a chord with its audiences. The series explores the world of 19th – 20th Century British nobility which tries to stay relevant as times are challenged traditional norms of accepted behavior.

In the States, Americans seem to enjoy the fascinating study of the class norms. From the Dowager Countess to the house cook Mrs. Patmore, the show explores issues of social class and proper behavior itself in a humorous way. Maggie Smith, actress who portrays the Dowager Countess Violet Crawley, has so many zingers, many of which are directed at issues of proper behavior. In admonishing her granddaughter, the acrid tongued character remarks: “Vulgarity is no substitute for wit.” If only many others today would realize that.

Is the popularity of the series revealing a desire for the class of the past? Are we tired of the informality of modern society? The extreme lack of etiquette? Are we digitizing so much as to dehumanize ourselves and our interactions with our fellow human beings?

I do fear so. I long for an age of respect, of a little more care for others, and yes, for a little class. But I doubt it shall return. Ah, but as the Dowager would say: “Don't be defeatist dear, it's terribly middle class.”

TGIF? Why is it in our modern society that many spend the work week salivating for end of day Friday? 

Tired? Unsatisfied? Rather be doing what you want to?

Our five day work week is outmoded. While companies are stalling hiring plans, they are increasing productivity. They are squeezing more out of every employee. The lemon is running out of juice...

One may say that is the beauty and efficiency of capitalism. Instant communication, computer applications, scheduling to perfection all are odes to efficiency. But at what human cost? 

People are more strained than ever. Pushing themselves during the week, Friday night is the holy grail of recovery. I would imagine that most adults spend part of their Saturday recovering as well. But it never is a true recovery.

There are errands to run, shopping, visits, and of course, you must find someplace to shove in some recreation. 

I often feel so wiped out that I would love to have Friday as the recovery day so that a weekend can truly be used for restoration, refreshment, and enjoyment. 

In this rat race, everyone is out to make a buck. But do we stop and think about what we are doing to ourselves? Is life this race on a treadmill that goes faster and faster, accumulating miles, but not really going anywhere? 

Let's stop and breathe. Let's use our productivity to get all work done during Monday-Friday. Let's start a new revolution. As Marx said: Workers of the world, unite! 

Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his health conscious movement fizzled out yesterday with a ruling claiming that the proposed NYC soda portion ban was beyond the scope of the powers of the mayor. 

This hits at a larger issue: at what point are our freedoms being infringed upon in the name of public health? 

Bloomberg's crusade against salt, smoking, noise, trans fats, and now soda is ill conceived. People should always be allowed to make their own choices, even though it may harm their health. 

The slippery slope of Bloomberg's logic is dangerous. If large sugary drinks are banned, what about packages of cookies? M&Ms? Peanuts? Large containers of peanut butter sold at Costco? Whole pizzas? Ice cream? No more 'gotta have it' at Cold Stone? 

No matter how well intentioned, the government should seek to inform and then let people make their choices. After all, stupidity cannot be legislated out of existence. Government should protect people from violence and harm, but harm against themselves? It is just silly.

Perhaps the Mayor would be better served by focusing on the crumbling infrastructure around the city, solving traffic problems, and coordinating with the MTA on reforming its system so that it can modernize without pricing people out of the city. 


    Daniel is an author, freelance writer, blogger, and content creator. He lives in Brooklyn, NY.


    April 2013
    March 2013


    Dowager Countess
    Downton Abbey
    Financial System
    Maggie Smith
    Stock Market
    United States